Sun City
Sun City no water just sand galore heat and flames everywhere around sun city
This is the city for the sun and more.
The creatures need water, what will they do?!? They will ask the sun the sun they will do.
Sun, sun, sun what will we do with no water. The sun did not reply but something came by, a little drop of water in the gigantic crater near by, “is the all” cried the creatures “why why why”
Something else came by, a HUGE wave came by. The creatures were happy until it came by, the creatures nest “oh why oh why”
“Please sun stop the wave” of course the sun did not listen the wave kept on going and it stopped right next to the city and evaporated in the air.
It was night and the city was now called lunar city with the stars shining and the creatures hiding and the humans chanting, a big cult around the crater they are sacrificing a baby giraffe “LUNA LUNA LUNA TAKE THIS FOOD LUNA LUNA LUNA GIVE US LIGHT” a triangle shaped light came shined on the animal and the giraffe is floating and torn apart and the sun came by “we better hide fast fast fast” said the humans.
Fast forward a little and Everything was normal until the sun just went haywire to be continued……...